For those of you thinking that Charlie Rangel has finally been caught, please don’t get your hopes up. The verdict is fixed, and Speaker Pelosi has spoken.
There will be a bit of a “tough” theatrical show, Democrats will guffaw behind closed doors and Republicans will demand Rangel’s head on a platter, but the final party line decision will come down in favor of Rangel and that will be the end of it.
The timing tells you all you need to know about the verdict. After two years (or more) of delay, why now?
Obviously, the Kangaroo Court must meet before November. And they must come to a final conclusion before November, lest the Republicans take over and put on a real trial, one where the outcome is not already fixed.
No, Charlie will be a free man, make claims of total exoneration and the air will be filled with racial charges and accusations. And Rangel will continue to milk the public for as long as he wants.
This charade will make Charlie Rangel an untouchable.
Article written by: Tom White